13 Delicious Coffee Flavoured Cake Recipes

Published: // Updated: July 25, 2024
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There are many amazing coffee cake recipes, but have you considered combining your two loves of coffee and cake into one delicious cake?

If you are looking for a cake made with coffee, you have come to the right place. Here we share 13 fantastic coffee flavoured cake recipes you can bake at home.

From an easy chocolate espresso cake recipe to mocha cupcakes and muffin recipes with coffee, your hardest decision will be which recipe to bake first.

chocolate coffee cake surrounded by coffee beans.

How to make coffee flavored cake

There are many ways you can infuse your baked goods with coffee.

In most cases you can swap out the listed coffee ingredient with whatever type of coffee you make with your home coffee machine.

The most comment coffee ingredients are listed below.

Instant coffee

Commonly used to add a little extra flavour to a chocolate coffee cake or coffee icing, there isn’t much different in terms of quality between brands but there may be differences in the intensity of the roast.

Always note whether the recipe mentions whether to dissolve the granules before adding to your mix.

Brewed coffee

Recipes with brewed coffee are usually referring to drip or french press coffee. You could also use cold brew coffee or percolated coffee if that is what you have on hand.


Espresso coffee cake recipes use a shot or two of coffee from an espresso machine. This style of coffee has the most intense coffee flavour.

If you don’t own an espresso machine, the best substitute is coffee brewed with a Nespresso pod machine or stovetop espresso maker.

Espresso powder

Some of the espresso baking recipes use espresso powder. This ingredient can be hard to find and is best purchased online. You can also make your own if you use it regularly with a good quality coffee grinder.

Espresso powder has a more subtle flavour compared to instant coffee and is a great ingredient to add to your chocolate cakes and brownies.

Click here to purchase espresso powder online.

Recipe conversions

These recipes using coffee use either metric or imperial measures.

If you need a recipe converter for any of these coffee flavored cake recipes, try this one.

Simply select the units you are converting from and to, choose the ingredient you are converting and it will display the correct amount.

Best Coffee Flavoured Cake Recipes

Below we share some great cake, muffin and cookie recipes with coffee. They are split into the following sections:

  • Coffee cake made with coffee
  • Coffee flavoured cupcakes and muffins
  • Coffee flavoured cookies

Coffee cakes made with coffee

Looking for coffee flavoured cake recipes?

From layered coffee cakes, egg less coffee cake recipes to a Depression cake and a delicious coffee and walnut cake, here are 8 cake recipes with coffee to bake at home.

Coffee flavoured cupcakes and muffins

The magic combination of chocolate and coffee is perfect in these coffee muffins and mocha cupcakes.

Whip up a batch in under 30 minutes and enjoy. Here are three easy recipes.

Coffee flavored cookies

Sometimes instead of baking a cake, it is quicker and easier to whip up a batch of cookies.

Cookies are the perfect afternoon treat - just the right size to enjoy with a cup of coffee.

If you want to combine your love of coffee and cookies, here are two delicious chocolate and coffee flavoured cookie recipes to try.

More baking with coffee recipes

For all our awesome recipes, hop over to the coffee recipes page.

Want to brew better coffee? See our brew guides and tips for the best coffee equipment here.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Like these recipe? Don’t forget where you found it! Save it to Pinterest for later.

Plus don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest or Facebook to see more great coffee recipes like these in your feed.

coffee cakes with text overlay 10 recipes made with coffee
Photo of author

Rachel Rodda

Founder of Coffeewise, Rachel is a passionate coffee drinker, Specialty Coffee Association member and former barista who loves to research and share practical tips on brewing great coffee at home. Read more about me here.

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